Thursday, November 29, 2012

Women of Honor and Power

It's time for the Women of Zion to arise to the Call of Walking in honor and Power of the Holy Ghost. There is a New Breed of Daughters rising on the front line. Vessels of holiness, power, glory and honor, fortified by the Living Word of our Lord and Savior, pliable in the hand of God the Holy Ghost, daughters ready for Wat with Sword in hand, walking in humility and not ashamed of their Father who loves them with a tender Love. They are arising with the favor of Ester, the faithfulness of Ruth, the strength and wisdom of Deborah, and the servant hood of Dorcas. Their banner over them is "I AM WALKING IN THE LIGHT" and His Banner over me is "LOVE AND FREEDOM." Therefore I can walk in His Power and Authority with Victory over my enemy. Her heart's cry is, "Here is your handmaiden Lord." I will serve you till I do for my goal is heaven; to see my Savior's face, to render souls before him in the glorious place, where weeping and sorrow has eternally ceased. So come forth Daughters of Zion, Daughters of Victory and Power and Honor, for the hour has come for the unveiling of the Father's heart. Don't lose hope for their is hope in him, Jesus the Savior who has come and set us free. The tears and prayers of the intercessors are being birthed this very hour. Don't lose hope for your sons and daughters. Continue to believe for that husband, for God is faithful and full of Power. His arm is not too short that he can't box with the most sinful of these and bring them repenting on their knees, to the loving Savior, who has open arms to receive. So Arise Women of Honor! So been Redeemed, knowing that your Present makes sense and that your Future in Him, Christ Jesus, is secure. Be done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talk, and dwarfed goals. Don't negotiate at the table of the enemy, for your Father has prepared a Place of Victory. So Arise!

From your Loving Savior and mine,
Jesus Christ

Written by De'Borah D. 10/10/96

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