Friday, April 12, 2013

Childlike Faith

It's been awhile since I wrote a post, so let me catch everyone up. I have been through some struggles in my life and I have been seeking the Lord to overcome these struggles. I can see myself getting stronger and closer to God everyday. I want to be a better person and follow the Lord and be able to be free of all anxiety. I find out that we have to be a kid when it comes to the Lord, it gives us the ability to be more open to Him. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven....." So why wouldn't we want to be like children and love God in a way a young child loves their parents?

I had the pleasure of being at a few of David Hogan's meetings at my church, and this man is in his 60's and is personality is that of a child. He and the energy of one as well, he is very carefree, and that is how we should be. Because he has this childlike love for God, he has been bless, God makes sure He takes care of Him. During these meetings I can feel the presence of the Lord, and see the wonders He is doing for His children. The peace and joy you get from being in the house of the Lord and hearing His word and worshiping Him is like none other. You haven't felt that relax in your whole life. You don't have to go to these meetings to have that kind of peace, all you need to do is except and love the Lord with all your heart and follow Him. Believe by your Faith and not by what you see.

In reference to having a childlike faith is really substantial. My niece who will be 2 years old this July was filled with the Holy Spirit at the David Hogan meeting. She couldn't sit still, she was throwing herself all over the place, now mind you she isn't normally like that. Also she was talking loud, she doesn't speak yet but when she made noise, it sounded like she was speaking in tongue. She would life her hands in the air, and she was feeling good. It was a blessing to see and a little distracting at times. But this shows the childlike love and faith that we need to have in the Lord. My niece didn't care that she made too much noise, or cared about who was watching, all it seem to matter was her Worshiping the Lord. This is something that I am striving to do, and to speak in tongue, I believe that I have briefly done it before.

Everyone wants to be and feel like a child again, why not do it in the right way and send it to the Lord. Stir your self up, burn with the Holy Fire and keep it burning. Let yourself go, stop being so serious and uptight. Release yourself completely to God and see the wonders, joy and miracles happen. God loves you and wants to take care of His child just like any other parent. Let Him!

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