Thursday, August 2, 2012


Psalms 91 is a very effective reading to those that need the reminder that God is here to protect you. Just read and say out loud:

Psalm 91: 2-6
"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Surley He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilance. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afriad for the terror by night; not for the arrow that flieth by day; not for the pertilence that walketh in darkness; not for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

God doesn't want us to parish in any way. He wants us to live and spread His word to the ones that still don't believe in Him. The deaths that you hear on the news or from other sources aren't God's Fault. He may allow the death to happen but He wasn't the one that caused the accident/sickness that killed. Satan is the one that set the traps in order to kill us. You can go at any time, and if your not right with God then you are in trouble. If you are right with God you will have no fear of death, because you know that you will be will the Heavenly Father once your gone. God will deliever you from the trap of the devil. Don't be afraid to die, because if you are then you are not walking in faith.

Since God doesn't want us to parish too soon, He sends us warnings. Warnings can come in the form of a dream or in a scense. Have you ever had the scense that you shouldn't have done what you did? Well that's because God was giving you a warning telling you that you shouldn't have done that.

Proverbs 27:12
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

The prudent man is protected by God because he has faith in God to protect him and not steer him wrong, so he listen to the warning that God has given him. Now the simple man was foolish and not walking in faith, so he didn't listen to the warning and continue on his path and he was harmed. Both men saw the warning but only one believed in God to know that he should pay attention to it. It is important that you pay attention to these feelings of thinking that something is wrong, these are a warning from God. Now people that don't believe in God, so they won't know that they are getting warnings. This is why it is important for us Christians to speak the Word of the Lord to the none believers. Speaking with our mouth to others will not only hopefully save them, but make our faith in God stronger.

2Kings 6:8-10
When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, "We will mobilize our forcest at such and such a place." But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, "Do not go near the place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilizse their troops there." So the king of Israel would send word to the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he would be on the alert there.

You can continue the reading on that chapter, but the point was that God has given warning to Elisha and he passed that warning on to the king of Israel.

Ezekiel 3:17
Son of manm U have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

Matthew 2 mentions the warning that God gave Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt and take Mary and Jesus away so Herod won't kill Jesus. With Joseph faith in the Lord, had him listening to the warning.

Also read Acts 27: 10-24. It talks about a warning from God, but the unbelievers didn't listen to the warning.

So the next time someone you love dies or hear about a horrible death, don't ask the question "Why did God do this?" That is the wrong question, what should have been asked; "Why didn't you heed the warning?" Also don't say well it was time for them to home, it is never time to go home, we are suppose to be here on Earth to spread the word of God. Speak with your mouth Psalms 91 and believe in your heart and you will be protected. If you have trouble with something or don't understand just pray to the Lord and he will answer your prayers. Remember He is there for you with every step you take, lean on Him. He is the one that will give you the ultimate gift. All you have to do is have Faith in Him.

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