Thursday, May 16, 2013

God Presented a Warning in a Dream

             My dream started out with me at some event with a bunch of people, but I seem to know most of the people at this event. I was socializing when I happen to see an old friend from school, and when she caught my eye the look on her face was pure joy. I didn't go to her as most people would once they see an old friend, but she did come to me. We didn't exchange any small talk, all she asked was if I would go out with her for some drinks, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was that I can't drink because I am allergic and that I don't drink soda anymore, so we settle for coffee which is something else I don't drink but I went along with it anyway. Now this didn't seem like an outing for friends to catch up on old times, my impression was that this was a date, and I point out that this is a woman friend. My feeling towards her asking me out was excited and hopeful because I was hoping that she liked me so we can have a relationship, but I didn't know that she was gay or not. After we separated the scene cut to an elevator.
            In the elevator there where me, two other females and two males that I didn't know personally. While on the elevator it suddenly stopped for unknown reasons, we all looked at each other confused. I was by the panel and looking to see what I can do and I saw the emergency button, I asked the others if I should press the emergency button and the two males said no. I was looking at that button as if that was the answer to our problem, but couldn't find the courage to press it, and then all of a sudden the elevators drops. I was praying that the emergency brakes to work and cause the elevator to stop before reaching the bottom. They caught the elevator just it time, and then I saw a sign that said to open the doors to the elevator, and when I did, all I saw was a field and river moving quickly, and I realize that the scene moved to us being on a run away train.
            We where moving at rapid speed, I didn't know where we were headed but I did know that it was going to end in death if I didn't get off. When we saw the river the two men wanted everyone to jump off the train and hopefully land in the river. I didn't want to because it seems like instant death because it was too far of a jump and a long way down. The men climbed up on top of the roof on the train to make the jump, us girls watched as they fell to the river and made a big splash. At one point it seem like I was the one making the jump, and then it cut back to me watching them. I see one break the surface, and the other one didn't come back up, so I felt like he was dead. I couldn't see what happened further. The train continue on it's course to the end, and the river soon disappeared and was placed with a flat grassy land. It was like we where in the middle of nowhere, and use girls didn't know what to do but we had to figure out something because the train was about to run out of tracks.
             My mind was racing as to finding a solution when the train slowed down to almost a stop and I found the opportunity to jump off, the other girls didn't want too. So I pushed one off and them jumped off myself and ran along the train to grab the other by the foot and dragged her off. Once we where off the train sped up and moved passed us. We couldn't see the train any longer and I looked at our surroundings and it felt like we where all alone, that there was no help around. Then I happen to see a highway suddenly appeared on the other side of the train tracks. We started running to the fence that separated us from the highway. We all were hurting and bleeding from the jump but I didn't care, as long as I can reach that highway I knew that we would be saved, but before I could climb the fence to get to the highway I woke up.
This is what I got from the dream as I wrote it down at church the following day.
(1). The elevator represents, my life falling away from God if I fall back to my old ways with being gay and unfaithful to God.
(2). The people of the elevator with me represent the flesh of myself (holding me back from the correct path).
(3). The two men represented my flesh, the sinful and fleshy things that I want because they feel easy and good.
(4). The two women represents my past and future.
(5). I myself represents the present, the in between wanting to follow good faithfully, and letting my fleshy needs go.
(6). The emergency button  represents God. I was seeking Him, but didn't press the button out of fear.
(7). The train represents the unrighteous path leading to eternal death; away from God
(8). The two men jumping off, was my fleshy needs being denied by my present self because I am learning to follow God.
(9). The pain of jumping represents the hurts and pain I am going through to get to that correct path.
(10). The slowing of the train was God giving me the chance to save myself so I can follow Him again. To have faith and trust in Him, that He will be there to help me.
(11). The grassy land represents a time of feeling alone and helpless, thinking that there is nothing left.
(12). The highway presents God showing me that I am not alone and that there is help through Him. That my first step is to seek other Christians to help build my faith up. So the cars on the Highway are my christian family, the ones that I know now, and the ones that I still have yet to meet.
(13). I saved the two women with me because my future self is the Christian I will become, fully faithful to the Lord and more open about my love for Him. I had to save my past because she holds the scares of what I went through to help remind me to never turn back or look back. Remind me that where I once was, and how that is the path to death, and my future is the path to life.
This reminds me of Psalms 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the cousel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." This dream showed me what would happen if I go back to the gay life, that I will be walking along with the sinner on my path to righteousness and eventually stop on my path which then will cause me to stand with them to get further away from God, until I am sitting with the sinner and mocking all the believers like they do. I have gotten to this point in 2010 after I was saved in 2007. I have been awaken to the sin I was committing in 2012, and started walking back on the righteous path towards God. I want to give courage to everyone, that even though I have fallen off my path a few times, that with the right help and support from other Christians that you can return to God. See the sin that you have committed and confess it to the Lord and ask for forgiveness and seek His face, and you will be on the track to eternal life. No one said it was going to be easy, it is usually the easy way that is the wrong way, and the hardest is the right way. That is why it is so hard to take that first jump because of fear of what will happen and what you have to give up to follow righteousness. I hope you see this and know that it's not to late to ask the Lord for forgiveness and surround yourself with Christian believers to help you and continue on the path of God.
May God Bless You!!!!!!
Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded that neither death, not life, not angels, nor principalities, not powers, nor things present, not things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Monday, April 15, 2013

David Hogan 4/12/2013

David Hogan video on Youtube, check it out, type in Melinda Waltman in the search bar and you will see the one and only video posted. This was an Amazing Event, I am so glad to have been there to witness the Love of Jesus for everyone. To feel the Holy Spirit moving through you is a joyish feeling.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Childlike Faith

It's been awhile since I wrote a post, so let me catch everyone up. I have been through some struggles in my life and I have been seeking the Lord to overcome these struggles. I can see myself getting stronger and closer to God everyday. I want to be a better person and follow the Lord and be able to be free of all anxiety. I find out that we have to be a kid when it comes to the Lord, it gives us the ability to be more open to Him. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven....." So why wouldn't we want to be like children and love God in a way a young child loves their parents?

I had the pleasure of being at a few of David Hogan's meetings at my church, and this man is in his 60's and is personality is that of a child. He and the energy of one as well, he is very carefree, and that is how we should be. Because he has this childlike love for God, he has been bless, God makes sure He takes care of Him. During these meetings I can feel the presence of the Lord, and see the wonders He is doing for His children. The peace and joy you get from being in the house of the Lord and hearing His word and worshiping Him is like none other. You haven't felt that relax in your whole life. You don't have to go to these meetings to have that kind of peace, all you need to do is except and love the Lord with all your heart and follow Him. Believe by your Faith and not by what you see.

In reference to having a childlike faith is really substantial. My niece who will be 2 years old this July was filled with the Holy Spirit at the David Hogan meeting. She couldn't sit still, she was throwing herself all over the place, now mind you she isn't normally like that. Also she was talking loud, she doesn't speak yet but when she made noise, it sounded like she was speaking in tongue. She would life her hands in the air, and she was feeling good. It was a blessing to see and a little distracting at times. But this shows the childlike love and faith that we need to have in the Lord. My niece didn't care that she made too much noise, or cared about who was watching, all it seem to matter was her Worshiping the Lord. This is something that I am striving to do, and to speak in tongue, I believe that I have briefly done it before.

Everyone wants to be and feel like a child again, why not do it in the right way and send it to the Lord. Stir your self up, burn with the Holy Fire and keep it burning. Let yourself go, stop being so serious and uptight. Release yourself completely to God and see the wonders, joy and miracles happen. God loves you and wants to take care of His child just like any other parent. Let Him!

Friday, January 18, 2013

True Worth.......God's Word

Gen 1:1-26

God created everything there is--the heavens, earth, plants, and animals. When God finished creating the earth, He then chose to make people in His image. The phase "Let us make human beings in our image" in verse 26 does not mean that God created us exactly like Himself, especially in a physical sense. Instead, we are reflections of God's glory. We can reflect His characteristics like love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.

Our worth is not defined by possessions, achievements, physical attractiveness, or popularity. Instead, it is based on knowing that God created us in His likeness. Knowing that you are a person of infinite worth gives you the freedom to love God, know Him personally, and make a valuable contribution to the lives of those around you.

Here are Satan's Plan for us Gen 3

Doubt- Makes you questions God's word and His goodness
Discouragement- Makes you look at your problems rather than at God
Diversion- Make the wrong things seem attractive so you want them more than the right things
Defeat- Makes you feel like a failure, so you don't even try
Delay- Makes you put off doing something, so it never gets done.

God wants people who are free to sin to choose instead to trust and love Him.

God longs to speak to his people, but many times we don't look for Him to speak to us or to act. Our ears are turned elsewhere. Or, we expect Him to speak to us in a certain way. Want to hear from God? Be expectant. Watch and wait. Luke 4:16-19

Luke 8:11-15

Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand. A parable: A seed is God's word. A seed that falls on a foot path gets eaten by birds, this represents those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved.

The seed that falls on the rock soil grows but then dies from lack of moisture, this represents those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don't have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation.

The seed that fell among the thorns grew but was chocked out, this represents those who hear the message, but all too quickly the cares and riches and pleasures of this life crowd out the message. Therefore, they never grow into maturity.

The seed that fell on the good soil grew to hundred times more than was planted, this represents honest, good hearted people who hear God's word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.

All this may seem like random verses from the Bible, but if you read carefully you will see that no matter how random something seems, they all come together as one. God has written the Bible so that we may learn about and know Him. He gives us stories to help us better understand that sinning won't save your life, and He also shows that no matter how much you sin or what you did, that as long as your ask Him for forgiveness and truly mean it in your heart, you will be saved. If you have a tendency to apologize just because you have too, don't do that when you ask for forgiveness from God. He knows your heart, so He will know if you truly mean it. When it comes to belief and faith in God is life and death. Choose Him and you will have life, choose Satan you will have death. Satan's way is usually the easy and fun way, read the temptation blog to help overcome temptation. Even though God's way may not seem fun or easy, but you will get joy out of it and be so much happier and blessed. I leave you with this verse:

2Tim 4:17-18

But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News (God's Word) in its entirety for all the Gentiles (everyone) to hear. And He rescued me from certain death. Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely into His heavenly Kingdom. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Temptation........You Can Overcome!!!!

The book of Genesis really show a lot to me about being tempted, and it just seem perfect that I am reading it now that I have been growing through some temptations.

Are you headed towards God or drifting away from him? What circumstance tempts you to drift?

At this very moment, I would like to say that I am leading towards God. Just last week I was drifting away from Him. As I was drifting I would not admit that is what I was doing, but it was the truth. What caused me to drift was a love I had for a woman. I thought that I was strong enough to just be her friend, but I found the hard way that I wasn't. I want to be closer to God that is why I stepped away from her in the beginning, but Satan as used my weakness, I contacted her, and he used me more to do something that I really didn't want to do spiritually. I was sinning in the heart and it was eating me up inside, knowing that what I was doing is wrong.

God has given me the courage to tell her what I felt in my heart. I did the right thing and stopped, whatever we had, even if it was only talking to each. I stood up for myself and my beliefs in God, and it wasn't easy to say it, and I didn't get a great reaction from it, but I stood my ground. I asked for forgiveness and was blessed with courage and love from God. He lifted the burden off my shoulders. God wants us to do more than drift through life; He wants people to be an influence for Him.

In Luke 11:4 Jesus says, "don't let us yield to temptation." Jesus wasn't implying that God leads us into temptation. He is simply asking for deliverance from Satan and his deceit. All Christians struggle with temptation. Sometimes a temptation is so subtle we don't even realize what's happening to us. God promised that He won't allow us to be tempted beyond our endurance (1Cor 10:13). God can help you recognize temptation and overcome it.

Gen 39:7-15 tells about Joseph's turning away from a temptation when his Master Potiphar's wife kept bothering him to sleep with him. Joseph avoided Potiphar's wife as much as possible. He refused her sexual advances and finally ran from her. Sometimes merely trying to avoid temptation is not enough. We must turn and run, especially when the temptations seem very strong. Running from sin isn't cowardly. It could say your life.

No matter how small a temptation is, fighting it and running is the best way to go. If you give it a little bit of attention then Satan will take that and run with it. Once he gets a hold of it, your flesh becomes more active and it will be harder to fight it. The only way to break that is calling on God to help strengthen you, give Him all your troubles of fighting this temptation and He will make sure that you get through it. Rebuke the evil that has a hold of you in Jesus Name. If you have a hard time trusting, that is fine, find a church with great people and a good leader to help you gain your trust in the Lord. I myself is working on it, and every day I am learning and getting stronger within the Lord and learning to put all my trust in Him.

Gen 19:14 talks about patience, which is greatly needed when it comes to the Lord. Patience often brings rewards. Both God's plans and His promises are larger than people. God keep His promises! He remains faithful though we are often faithless.

We make mistakes in our lives as long as your confess your sins and ask for forgiveness your mistakes are erased, God even makes use of our mistakes in His plans for us. Just remember don't look behind in the past, but to the future. God didn't design our heads to turn 180 degrees to see the back. He gave us the mobility to see the left and right, and that is where your faithful friends and family will stand with you in your walk with God. Then we can see forward, to see the path that God has laid out for us. Stay on the path without detours and you will feel your faith is growing stronger, seeing Him is getting clearer, and you become brighter with His love shining through you.