Thursday, January 17, 2013

Temptation........You Can Overcome!!!!

The book of Genesis really show a lot to me about being tempted, and it just seem perfect that I am reading it now that I have been growing through some temptations.

Are you headed towards God or drifting away from him? What circumstance tempts you to drift?

At this very moment, I would like to say that I am leading towards God. Just last week I was drifting away from Him. As I was drifting I would not admit that is what I was doing, but it was the truth. What caused me to drift was a love I had for a woman. I thought that I was strong enough to just be her friend, but I found the hard way that I wasn't. I want to be closer to God that is why I stepped away from her in the beginning, but Satan as used my weakness, I contacted her, and he used me more to do something that I really didn't want to do spiritually. I was sinning in the heart and it was eating me up inside, knowing that what I was doing is wrong.

God has given me the courage to tell her what I felt in my heart. I did the right thing and stopped, whatever we had, even if it was only talking to each. I stood up for myself and my beliefs in God, and it wasn't easy to say it, and I didn't get a great reaction from it, but I stood my ground. I asked for forgiveness and was blessed with courage and love from God. He lifted the burden off my shoulders. God wants us to do more than drift through life; He wants people to be an influence for Him.

In Luke 11:4 Jesus says, "don't let us yield to temptation." Jesus wasn't implying that God leads us into temptation. He is simply asking for deliverance from Satan and his deceit. All Christians struggle with temptation. Sometimes a temptation is so subtle we don't even realize what's happening to us. God promised that He won't allow us to be tempted beyond our endurance (1Cor 10:13). God can help you recognize temptation and overcome it.

Gen 39:7-15 tells about Joseph's turning away from a temptation when his Master Potiphar's wife kept bothering him to sleep with him. Joseph avoided Potiphar's wife as much as possible. He refused her sexual advances and finally ran from her. Sometimes merely trying to avoid temptation is not enough. We must turn and run, especially when the temptations seem very strong. Running from sin isn't cowardly. It could say your life.

No matter how small a temptation is, fighting it and running is the best way to go. If you give it a little bit of attention then Satan will take that and run with it. Once he gets a hold of it, your flesh becomes more active and it will be harder to fight it. The only way to break that is calling on God to help strengthen you, give Him all your troubles of fighting this temptation and He will make sure that you get through it. Rebuke the evil that has a hold of you in Jesus Name. If you have a hard time trusting, that is fine, find a church with great people and a good leader to help you gain your trust in the Lord. I myself is working on it, and every day I am learning and getting stronger within the Lord and learning to put all my trust in Him.

Gen 19:14 talks about patience, which is greatly needed when it comes to the Lord. Patience often brings rewards. Both God's plans and His promises are larger than people. God keep His promises! He remains faithful though we are often faithless.

We make mistakes in our lives as long as your confess your sins and ask for forgiveness your mistakes are erased, God even makes use of our mistakes in His plans for us. Just remember don't look behind in the past, but to the future. God didn't design our heads to turn 180 degrees to see the back. He gave us the mobility to see the left and right, and that is where your faithful friends and family will stand with you in your walk with God. Then we can see forward, to see the path that God has laid out for us. Stay on the path without detours and you will feel your faith is growing stronger, seeing Him is getting clearer, and you become brighter with His love shining through you.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good word. God is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.I am so thankful for His work in my life too and can attest to the fact that running from temptation is the wise thing to do. Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Praise God!
